I hope that my very scarce readership and their relatives and friends are well. These are going to be very trying times.
It is because of this that spreading rumours and messages that aren’t contrasted has to be discouraged.
Rumours kill people.
Please, consult official and trusted sources of information. Spreading rumours, however well-meant, might have unintended consequences on already scarce resources.
There are are already shortage of food in supermarkets due to panic buying even though the supply chain hasn’t been disrupted.
Think of others. Think of the people that are in the front-line and are struggling to buy food and other basic items.
There is enough for everyone. Don’t get more than what you need. Keep your distance. Avoid the spread. Stay home and stay healthy.

You can get updated information in the below links:
Other interesting links:
There are some free online offerings for those of you on quarantine. There are people keeping lists of those events so my list is meagre and not meant to be up to date. Send me a message and I can share more if needed.
Keep safe!